Anza Solar Packages
Essentials Pro Pro Procure*
Market-wide view Compare modules from 32+ vendors and 110+ products
Current pricing
Access pricing for 95% of U.S. module supply
Optimize purchase timing by quarter  
See negotiated and utility-scale price quote trends    
Extensive up-to-date data
Download the latest technical documents easily (e.g., PAN files, data sheets, LID, IAM, etc.)
Find a module that meets your specific criteria using technical, trade risk, and domestic content data filters
Reduce risk by filtering module options using counterparty and contract term data  
One of a kind technology
Compare install costs and production for 110+ products to buy based on value, not just price
Rank product options to maximize project profit  
Tailor optimization to your project specs (e.g., location, PPA rate and term, discount rate, etc.) to improve returns  
Optional services End-to-end logistics management & pre and inline production factory QA/QC inspections to save time & reduce risk

*Pro Procure
Anza’s expert team provides world-class procurement and engineering capabilities that help you increase profit, reduce risk, and save time. Anza’s Pro Procure services enable companies of any size to achieve procurement results on par with global IPPs making multi GW purchases. You get a team with over 20 years of procurement, EPC, and development experience on your side. We will help you run an RFP and choose an optimal product utilizing our deep supplier relationships, expertise, data and technology. Through our supply purchase agreements with custom-negotiated terms and procurement track record, we’ll help negotiate contracts and terms to achieve the best outcome. Our team will work with you to develop custom solutions that help you navigate rapidly changing market, trade, and project problems.

Anza Solar Packages – For Developers
Essentials Pro Pro Develop
Market-wide view Compare modules from 32+ vendors and 110+ products
Current pricing Access pricing for 95% of U.S. module supply
Extensive up-to-date data
Download the latest technical documents easily (e.g., PAN files, data sheets, LID, IAM, etc.)
Find a module that meets your specific criteria using technical, trade risk, and domestic content data filters
Reduce risk by filtering module options using counterparty and contract term data  
One of a kind technology
Compare install costs and production for 110+ products to buy based on value, not just price
Rank product options to maximize project profit  
Tailor optimization to your project specs (e.g., location, PPA rate and term, discount rate, etc.) to improve returns  
Expert Guidance EPC cost & production detailed, technical criteria satisfied, development fee optimized