Using Anza’s online procurement platform, PV and ESS manufacturers can gain real-time access to the growing U.S. market of large-scale system buyers looking for solar modules and energy storage equipment. You receive intelligent, instant feedback about your products through the Anza app, such as how much market traction they have, how competitive they are, and how pricing or specification changes might improve competitiveness. Expand your U.S. sales opportunities with Anza.

Real-time market & product intelligence

Through the Anza application, manufacturers can quickly see the demand for their products in the U.S. market in summary view or for individual projects. You can see how your product ranks compared to the competition and how those rankings change if your prices or specifications change. Any product updates are immediately fed to buyers to aid their purchasing decisions.

Your confidentiality is protected

At Anza, we value our relationships with our partners and honor our commitment to building long-term relationships based on trust and transparency. The Anza app is set up to safeguard your company name, product name, and pricing information. You can only see your proprietary information; no other company can see your confidential information.  


Grow your business with us

Anza is growing quickly. As more IPPs and other system owners, developers, and EPCs use the Anza app to buy equipment for their large-scale solar and energy storage projects, Anza is making it even easier to convert these buyers into your customers. We constantly improve and expand our application to gain more users, which will ultimately help you grow your business.

Anza Features for Manufacturers

  • See your company’s custom manufacturer dashboard showing total active MWs or MWhs, total active projects, a regional map showing where active projects are located, MW or MWh delivery by quarter, current position in ranking tables, and MW or MWh size of active projects.
  • Filter your dashboard to show data for all products or a specific product.
  • Gain visibility into your market position for top products on ranking tables and a summary of active projects in the dashboard view that shows system size, product delivery date, region, racking type, top product & ranked positions.
  • Drill down into Project Pricing Analysis for each project to see what price adjustments are needed to reach different positions in the ranking tables.
  • Trigger buyer updates to ranking tables when you update pricing or other specifications.