Anza is a dual-sided platform providing data, analytics, and services to solar and battery storage developers, IPPs, EPCs, and utilities. We also incorporate near real-time solar module pricing, availability, and product data from manufacturers. As a result, we have the most robust data set of quoted, negotiated, and transactional pricing data across large distributed generation and utility-scale sized projects. This pricing data includes historical and real-time information, covering delivery dates ten quarters out.

Anza is always in the market, gaining intel from suppliers and buyers while keeping our finger on the pulse of trade and domestic content issues so investors and buyers alike can stay informed of the latest trends.

Subscribe to Anza’s free Quarterly Module Pricing Insights Report

By aggregating our platform solar panel cost data from more than 95% of the U.S. module supply, Anza offers powerful solar module pricing insights for the distributed generation solar market. We analyze monthly trends across median module pricing, showing insights between TOPCon and Mono PERC technology and Tier 1 products. Subscribe to our free pricing insights report to get quarterly insights delivered right to your inbox that can help you navigate market complexities and make informed purchasing decisions.

Powerful Market Intelligence

Stay ahead of the curve with critical pricing trends within the Anza platform. Filter by categories like U.S. cells and U.S. assembly, cell technology, Tier-1 status, AD/CVD risk, UFLPA risk, or delivery date and see median pricing changes over the last 30, 60, and 90 days.

Real-time Utility-Scale & DG Solar and Storage Pricing Data

Our clients are active players in the utility-scale and distributed generation markets. Anza clients can access real-time pricing trends, including minimum and median pricing as well as historical and forward looking information. For energy storage systems, see pricing for AC- and DC-integrated options from 20+ vendors, including Tier-1 suppliers, all in one place.

Trade Risk Mitigation

Build confidence quickly in your trade risk due diligence. Our experts help you stay informed on the latest policy and trade complexities and can help you reduce risk from existing and potential new duties. Avoid scheduling delays and minimize counterparty and product risk with Anza Risk RatingTM scoring on UFLPA and AD/CVD risks, and ensure third-party traceability audits are available from potential suppliers to help prevent issues down the road.

Domestic Content Product Tracking & Eligibility Percentages

Know the options available today and on the roadmap for domestic PV and energy storage manufacturing to stay ahead of your competition. Filter for modules with U.S. cells or assembly and see pricing, technical specs, production information, and IRS eligibility percentages, and lifetime value calculations, saving you weeks of time. Use available data to understand the cost-benefit analysis of when and where to select domestic content and take advantage of the 10% bonus tax credit.